Building a Better World for Women and Girls 

What do we do locally? 

Working with the Douglas County Human Trafficking Task Force (DCHTTF) we successfully wrote a grant to create a Human Trafficking Prevention Curriculum for our youth. 

In 2022, Douglas County was the 1st county in the state to distribute a trafficking prevention curriculum to every middle school and high school within its bounds. Survey data collected from the students documented that 73% are already engaged in risky online practices. Fortunately, 97% of the students said the presentation was helpful to identify potential risks and signs that lead to trafficking.  

Zonta & DCHTTF are working together to roll out a new youth online-predation video to the schools in fall of 2024, and improving the existing curriculum to make it easier for teachers to implement. 

2023, club was part of a District-wide panel to teach other clubs how to start a prevention curriculum.  

During Domestic Abuse Awareness month and Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women, the club hosts a Dignity Drive to collect undergarments and sanitary products for women forced from their homes due to abuse or pregnancy. In 2023 we had a record-breaking year and were able to distribute over 630 items to our partners such as Peace at Home, Safe Haven, Samaritan Inn, and Adapt-Crossroads for their clients. 

We Teamed Up with UCC to boost our Double Donation Drive by collecting donations at basketball games. Sunrise Enterprises uses the clothing for job-training for those with disabilities. 

During Rose Day we recognize those who have unselfishly worked to improve our community. In 2023 we recognized a local police officer that has a 100% conviction rate for his sting operations against online predators of children. We also recognized a retired officer who raised awareness and over $30,000 to prevent trafficking during a coast to coast cycling adventure. In 2024, we recognized an ODHS staff who created the First Thursday event that brings together state and community resources each month to serve over 300 people trying to navigate food, housing, clothing, health, child welfare, addiction, and/or education needs.  

We provide a Young Woman in Public Affairs scholarship to a high school senior who demonstrates leadership and community involvement. Our 2023 awardee went on to also receive funds from Zonta International. Thus, she was one of the awardees selected globally from over 60 countries. 

Thanks to the generosity of our community, in 2023 we raised over $2,000 in prizes for our annual raffle. The club then set a new ticket sales record raising over $4,500. These funds not only help us implement the above programs, but also our HandUp program. 

HandUp is a small grant program to provide women with a hand up to transition to a better life. It may be assisting with education, funds to complete a job-related certification program, clothing for a job interview, or transportation funds to get to a job until the first paycheck is available. Success has been high. 

What do we do beyond Roseburg with Zonta International? 

We support the Amelia Earhart Fellowship to provide scholarships to women worldwide seeking a doctorate degree in aerospace/engineering.  

Globally and locally we’re increasing awareness on Violence Against Women, Human Trafficking, Ending Child Marriage, Improving Gender Equality, and Improving Adolescent Health Care for Girls.